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Pensions Risk Actuarial Science

Our pensions risk actuarial science use actuarial mathematics techniques of pension contingencies in order to price pension insurance contracts (e.g., basic pension, comprehensive pension, new pension fund, pension from old pension fund, budgetary pension and early pension) and value the rights of pension funds' members in respect of their past and future seniority (e.g., survivors' pension, old age pension, widow's pension and disability pension)


  • Constructing Pension-Actuarial Retirement Tables (Service Table, Salary Scale, Funds' Members Table, Marriage Table,  Disability Rates Table and Contributions Table)

  • Calculating the Determining Wage and New Portions in the Pension funds

  • Pricing Pension Insurance Contracts

  • Valuing the Rights of the Pension Funds' Members in respect of their Past and Future Seniority

  • Assessment of Actuarial Liability in respect of Employee Benefits in Accordance with IAS 19

  • Conducting Actuarial Balance Sheets of Old Pension Funds



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